Meet recent authors...

Ayelet Tsabari shares what it meant to her to participate in the 2016 Book Festival:


Why do you write? I write because I have to write. And because I’m miserable when I don’t write. 


What does it meant to you to participate in our small book festival? I loved participating in your festival! Writing can be such a lonely pursuit, so this was a wonderful opportunity to meet readers and potential readers and engage with them directly. The venue was lovely and organizers were welcoming and warm. I had a great time and I hope to come back one day!


Why does the topic you wrote about matter to you? I write about Israel because the place haunts me and fascinates me. It is an opportunity for me to keep revisiting it, to keep it close to my heart. It was also my mission to tell Mizrahi stories because growing up I never encountered characters like me in literature. Populating my book with Mizrahi characters was my chance to rectify that experience. 


Ayelet Tsabari at the 2016 Jewish Book Festival


Jonathan Kirsch was a featured speaker at the 2016 Jewish Book Festival

Jonathan Kirsch shares what it meant to him to participate in the 2016 Book Festival:


What does it meant to you to participate in our small book festival? The event at La Verne University was among the most pleasurable and meaningful opportunities I’ve had as an author.  I especially appreciated that my book was included in an event with a larger theme, that is, the anniversary of Kristallnacht, since it served a much larger purpose than promoting the book. I was flattered to be introduced by the university president, and I was impressed by the size and engagement of the audience.


Why do you write?  This is a question that cannot be easily answered!  My father was a writer, and so are my son and grandson, so you might say it’s a family business.


Why does the topic you wrote about matter to you? My book about Herschel Grynzpan was inspired by my father, who first told me about the episode when he was working on a novel based on the same events. He did not live long enough to write his book, and so I look at my book – a biography rather than a novel – as my way of honoring my father by finishing his work