Something important we would like to share...

The Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys stands with Jewish Federations and Jews from all over the world in its extreme disappointment of the Israeli Knesset's decisions on Sunday that reversed its 2016 decision to create an egalitarian space at the Kotel, along with only recognizing conversions done under the supervision of Israel's Chief Rabbinate. With these two votes, the Israeli government is turning its back on any form of Judaism that is not Orthodoxy. 

Our community, along with so many others across the country and the world, is made up of people who practice, pray, and observe Judaism in different ways. However, one thing is universal.... We are all Jewish. By going back on its 2016 decision, the Israeli leadership is saying that there is only one kind of Judaism that is accepted, negating the legitimization of any of the other denominations of Judaism, besides Orthodoxy.
The Jewish Federation stands for and represents all Jews, no matter how they choose to observe or pray. We value our diversity and believe our community is stronger because of it.
Below are additional informational resources to learn more about each of these issues: 
 As each of these issues unfolds, the Jewish Federation will continue to keep you updated.


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