Your Global Reach

Your support of our local Jewish community in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys connects us to an incredible network of important work that supports Jewish communities around the world.

Israel Action Network helps historians halt anti-Israel resolutions at AHA

The Israel Action Network helped historians prevent the adoption of anti-Israel resolutions at a recent American Historical Association meeting.

It is now helping librarians prepare for possible anti-Israel resolutions at the 62,000-member American Library Association’s annual conference in June.

Field Institute for Federation Planners and Lay Leaders Debuts July 8-15

The Field Institute for Federation Planners and Lay Leaders will host its inaugural trip July 8-15.

Participants will visit The Jewish Agency and JDC programs in Israel and Tblisi, Georgia, where Federation aid supports thousands of Jews devastated by the 2008 war with Russia. For more inf…

2015 General Assembly co-chairs have been announced

2015 GENERAL ASSEMBLY co-chairs have been announced. Sandy Lenger, of New York, and Alan P. Solow, of Chicago will lead the premier annual gathering of the North American Jewish communal world. The theme of this year’s GA, to be held November 8-10 in Washington, D.C., is 'Think Forward'.

JFNA Urges Caution and Congressional Review of Any Iran Deal

April 2, 2015

The Administration has repeatedly reaffirmed that "it is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon." Even during the current negotiations, the White House has often said, "a bad deal is worse than no deal." 

We appreciate the good faith efforts made by the Administrati…

Anti-Semitism in Europe

Harassment of Jews throughout the world is at its highest levels in seven years. In Europe, news reports from the last two months describe a significantly deteriorating situation. Fatal attacks in France and Denmark, as well as vandalism against synagogues and other Jewish facilities through…