Your Global Reach

Your support of our local Jewish community in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys connects us to an incredible network of important work that supports Jewish communities around the world.

Taglit-Birthright Israel is recruiting Israel and Jewish education fellows

Taglit-Birthright Israel is recruiting for a fellowship well-suited for Federation professionals working in young adult and Israel engagement.

Over 15 years, Birthright has connected nearly 500,000 young Jews to Israel on free 10-day trips. Federations contribute $12 million to Birthright,…

The Nepal Relief Fund supports our response to the devastating earthquake

Nepal Relief Fund donations support our emergency response to the devastating earthquake on April 25.

Our partners are providing a range of urgently needed services for tens of thousands of survivors, including medical supplies and two neonatal incubators now in use at the IDF field hospit…

SCN is developing the first-ever safety guide for Jewish college students

SCN, the Secure Community Network, has assembled a group of renowned national security experts to develop the first-ever safety guide for Jewish college students amid rising concern for Jewish security on campus.

It will be distributed through Hillel to tens of thousands of students before …

Israel Action Network helps historians halt anti-Israel resolutions at AHA

The Israel Action Network helped historians prevent the adoption of anti-Israel resolutions at a recent American Historical Association meeting.

It is now helping librarians prepare for possible anti-Israel resolutions at the 62,000-member American Library Association’s annual conference in June.

Field Institute for Federation Planners and Lay Leaders Debuts July 8-15

The Field Institute for Federation Planners and Lay Leaders will host its inaugural trip July 8-15.

Participants will visit The Jewish Agency and JDC programs in Israel and Tblisi, Georgia, where Federation aid supports thousands of Jews devastated by the 2008 war with Russia. For more inf…