Keeping our Community Connected

Weekly messages from Jason Moss, our Executive Director.

November 17, 2020

Before I continue with my column, I want to do something I have suggested in previous columns and that is to breathe. I say this because I feel like we keep getting bombarded with one crisis after another. In fact, since March I feel like we have only been in “crisis mode.” And by crisis…

November 10, 2020

Over the past several months, one word has been floating around in the air, and that word poked its head out in a very big way this past week. That word is…patience.


If you think about it, we have been asked to be patient as the world deals with a pandemic, the likes of which have not…

November 3, 2020

Tomorrow marks the 25th Anniversary of Former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination. This attack, following a peace rally in Tel Aviv’s Kings Square, was carried out by a far-right Israeli extremist who believed that through Rabin’s efforts to make peace with the Palesti…

October 27, 2020

Today marks the second anniversary of the horrific shooting that took place at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. This was the most violent attack on Jews in American history. Eleven innocent people who were at the synagogue to celebrate Shabbat were murdered, while six others were in…

October 20, 2020

Over the weekend, I was listening to a couple of interviews with Dr. Anthony Fauci about the impending COVID-19 spike we are either currently seeing or will soon be seeing. He and other health officials have been saying that they were concerned with a spike in the fall and winter because as …