Keeping our Community Connected

Weekly messages from Jason Moss, our Executive Director.

April 12, 2022

I am going to start this week’s column off with a pop quiz. Name the Jewish holiday that is celebrated by more Jews, based on percentage, than all of the other holidays. If you guessed Passover you are correct. While it may seem that Hanukkah would be the one Jewish holiday that more peopl…

April 5, 2022

Growing up, I distinctly remember hearing people talk about how fast time goes. As a child (or even as a teen), I didn’t quite understand it because to me, time moved very, very, very slow… or at least so it seemed. Partly that was because my attention was on things that seemed to always…

March 29, 2022

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I often think back to my experiences growing up in my small hometown of Danville. There were not many Jews living in any one specific area in the cities east of Oakland. It was similar to the experience I know many of us feel. I remember packing extra matzah during Passover so my classmates …

March 22, 2022

Over the weekend, my wife was filling something out and was asked what her favorite season was. It made me stop and think for a minute because I hadn’t given much thought to this for quite a while. And after thinking for a moment I realized, like my wife, my favorite season is Spring. And …

March 15, 2022

Purim has always been one of the most fascinating of our holidays. I was blown away when I learned that not only is the story not found in the Torah, but it is the only book in the Hebrew Bible that does not include G-d in it. How could a holiday that is so widely celebrated, replete with sp…