June 18, 2024

I'm starting to get "that" feeling that I've had throughout my life whenever I get excited about an upcoming "thing." Know what I'm talking about - that anxious and excited feeling when something you have been looking forward to for a long time is almost here?  Whether it is taking that trip you've been planning for months or a visit from a family member you haven't seen for a long time, a birthday, a significant life event, including retirement, or a wedding. That's the feeling I have right now as we make the final arrangements for our Jewish Federation's 30th Anniversary Celebration THIS Sunday.


For any nonprofit to reach 30 years is a statement. It validates the fact that the work being done by the organization is needed and valued. It shows those who have committed to the organization's work – whether it be through the time they gave by volunteering or participating in programs or have given financially in order for the organization to continue to operate – that their investment was worthwhile. It's a testament to the vision our organization's early leaders had when they established our Jewish Federation in 1993. The fact that we are still here, even more of a vital and robust presence in our community, illustrates that the need is still there and that people are seeing value in the programs and services we provide.


It is important to mark special moments, like birthdays and anniversaries, especially when  they are "big ones." For this reason, we chose to celebrate our 30th Anniversary with a big celebration. Plus, it also allows us to say thank you and recognize those individuals who have helped shape what our Jewish Federation is and have become over the years. It is through their involvement and leadership that we can celebrate 30 years. I  wholeheartedly believe that you cannot recognize and thank people enough for the work they do. And being able to do it publicly, at an event like Sundays, will add even more to our celebration.


With this in mind, I want to take a moment and thank our 30th anniversary program sponsors and our event sponsors for helping us to make this event possible:


Program Sponsors


Beth Shalom of Whittier and Temple Beth Israel of Pomona
Tribute Book


David and Zoë Levy


Masterminds Creative Events Inc.

Audio Visual Support


Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center


Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center Sisterhood


Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center Sisterhood Men's Club
Celebration Video


Temple Beth David Sisterhood


Temple Beth Israel of Highland Park and Eagle Rock and Temple Sholom of Ontario

Valet Parking


Temple Sinai of Glendale
Welcome Reception


Celebration Sponsors



Harvey and Ellen Knell

Mickey and Arleen Segal

Alan and Sandy Whitman



Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger



City of Monrovia

Barbara Levinson

Oran Reznik and Julie Albrecht-Reznik

Jack and Debby Singer

Mike Stephen


Our Jewish Federation has come a long way in the last thirty years, and I’m very excited that we get to celebrate this moment on Sunday. I can't wait.