
8 2021

Temple Ami Shalom Shabbat Service (In person)

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Contact Sue Morris

STARTING JUNE 19  Saturday Shabbat services will begin in person at the Temple at 10:00 am.

.  Below are a few guidelines to provide a safe environment for all, as requested by your board of directors.

1.. Please wear your mask indoors at all times, for your protection and the safety of all congregants.

This rule applies to vaccinated and non vaccinated alike.

2..Hand sanitizer will be located throughout the building, please us at your discretion.

3..Social distancing will be implemented, families may sit together, as well as couples.

4..Please do not sit directly behind other congregants.


Our opening comes with new hope and thanks to the Almighty, after 15 months of closure.

We are attempting to provide as safe an environment as possible, and we request all to work along with us, in keeping us all as safe as possible.


All of the above is subject to change, or modification as conditions continue to improve.


Rabbi Ralph, Cantor Mike and the board of directors look forward to seeing you all in person on June 19th.