
27 2018

Dr. Judy Grabiner:Judaism & Math What do they have to do with each other?

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Temple Sholom of Ontario 963 West 6th Street
Ontario, CA

Contact Bonnie Brown

The Sisterhood of Temple Sholom of Ontario is Bringing a Very Special Presentation by Dr. Judy Grabiner-- Judaism and Math: What do they have to do with each other?​


When: Sunday, May 27th

Time: 10:00 AM

Where: Temple Sholom of Ontario, 963 W. Sixth St., Ontario No Cost

Presented by: Dr. Judy Grabiner​, Flora Sanborn Pitzer Professor of Mathematics.  Emerita Pitzer College, Claremont

Recipient of the Mathematical Association of America's National Teaching Award

Light Breakfast will be served at 10:00 AM

Talk will follow

Free Door Prize