Your Global Reach

Your support of our local Jewish community in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys connects us to an incredible network of important work that supports Jewish communities around the world.

Learn How Federations Are Aiding Greek Jews at GA 2016!

Amid rising anti-Semitism and financial crises, see how Federation is helping Greek Jewish life thrive in a special plenary spotlight presentation. Learn more and register now.

Federations Help Olim Find Jobs

Near-doubling in funding for training programs for olim this year by the Federation-funded Jewish Agency, in coordination with the Government of Israel, has helped recent immigrants find work in such fields as tourism and computer programming. Unemployment in Israel is at an all-time low.

Jewish Philanthropy Must Reflect Jewish Values

Jewish Funders Network discusses how funders can align philanthropy to Jewish values in the service of a vibrant and respectful Jewish community.  

Webinar on Holocaust Survivor Care Now Available

Help survivors in your community age in place by watching this webinar from Federations' Center for Advancing Holocaust Survivor Care, presented by the 650+-member National Association of Area Agencies on Aging.